Friday, June 12, 2009

Don and Aire

Five years ago, on my first trip to Spain, I met a man in La Mancha, Don. It was an instant attraction and we had what some might call a fling. But, with the long distance, we grew apart. And he had a friend that didn't like me very, Sancho, Pancho...its not important.

Yesterday, I met Don again! We had a nice chat, it was so good to catch up with him!! I am including pictures of when we first met, 5 years ago, and now. You can see how we have both changed. For the better, I think...

He was always a little serious :)

Moving on...

La Mezquita in Cordoba

Look at the Tower in the background!

At the Plaza de Espana

In the Alcazar

After going to Aire de Sevilla. Heaven.

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