Sunday, January 23, 2011

Good vs Bad

Good news.

I survived the first half of the school year.

Bad news.

I still have the rest of the school year to go.

Good news.

I baked tonight.

Bad news.

I baked tonight. And now I have to workout tomorrow. Boo.

Don't tell my healthy living blog followers that I made these. These little guys are not exactly on the approved Weight Watchers list...

But here is the case you are interested:

I started with a little brownie batter...

Added a little cream cheese topping...

Don't forget the swirl...

And baked for about 17 minutes (at 350).

Let's take a closer look, shall we?

These are the mini versions. You can also make them in full cupcake sizes.
And they are heavenly.


Meg said...

umm...definitely on MY approved baking list. no worries.

Anonymous said...

I just drooled on my keyboard..again

Anonymous said...

I just drooled on my keyboard...again