Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I apologize for not blogging. Its not that I don't want to, but there isn't really much happening these days. 

But here are some interesting tidbits of information:

-My last day with students is June 22nd. Graduation is the 23rd (all teachers attend graduation).

-Kate and Kaleb are getting married June 25th (Congrats you two!!).

-I leave for Spain on June 27th (but I still don't know what city I will be going to. However, I will be going on London and Paris after Spain!)

-My cousin Derek is marrying a lovely lady by the name of Stephany on August 13th (requiring that the family come together in San Francisco. We are so excited!)

I forgot to mention that Leesh and I are moving out of our house on June 1st because she got a new job and I will be spending the summer in Europe. So the last few weeks of school will be spent coach-surfing. Should be interesting...


Laura said...

I love your new blog background! As you know, I live vicariously through you. I'm so excited to go to NYC, Deep Creek Lake, Spain, London, and Paris (all through you of course!).

Jodi said...

You keep busy! If you get a chance to catch a flight to Munich let me know...

Claudia said...

Ahh- the life of a jet setter! I LOVE that you travel to awesome places. Spain is like your second home now :)