I was in a parking lot the other day and a car had a bumper sticker that said: Warning! I drive like a Cullen. Yesterday, I was walking out of Zumba and the car next to me had this license plate:
Seriously people? Seriously?
Don't get me wrong, I am a Twilight fan. I saw the movie more than once and I am rereading the books. I totally identified with Bella's feelings of abandonment during New Moon (looking back, I'm not quite sure I should have been reading the book at that time, it was rough!).
But please people, some perspective!
Now to more pressing business: My best friend Laura (who might be a little bit Twilight obsessed, but that only makes her more lovable).
I love Laura! We have been friends since we were 10 years old and have seen many ups and downs, which I think has added a richness to our friendship.
So here is my blog, dedicated to the wonderful Laura N! (I don't have pictures of when we were younger, they are all in boxes in Miami, but I will begin with 2005)

This was the Golden Green Ball, and my date was John Gordon and Laura's date was Eric Soto...It was a fantastic evening!! After the dance, we totally went to Steak and Shake.

Laura's roommates and I got into a marshmallow fight with Laura's boyfriend (now husband) Ian. Somehow, Laura thought the bin would be safe...I'm not sure why :)

This is during a day trip to Cedar Key with Ian. We rented a golf cart and got pulled over by the cops. We also went four wheeling in the golf cart. We were living on the edge!

When Laura and I were younger, we attended EFY and always wanted to be counselors. We were counselors for two summers together, and we had a blast doing it!!

This is when Laura graduated with her MA and I graduated with my BA. We both attended the University of Florida (the greatest school in earth). It was a wonderful day filled with food and sighs of relief!
This is the mother/daughter cruise we went on last summer. I could not have asked for better cruising companions!
This was Thanksgiving, just as we were about to break the wishbone, which Laura won...
Basically, it has been a wonderful 17 years (this year!) of friendship. I could not have asked for a better friend/sister.
1 comment:
I loved it! Thank you so much . . . it made me tear up! 17 years - WOW! Couldn't have asked for a better best friend!
I would now like you to dedicate a post soley to Twilight!
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