Tonight I went to a meditation workshop by Brent Anderson, founder of Polestar Pilates. We talked for a little while on getting into the right frame of mind to enjoy the nectar of our spirits and what to do when we got there. We then had to lie on our backs and Brent led us through a breathing exercise and had then into a 15 minute meditation.
It was...interesting. I'm not one for slowing down and taking a measure of my thoughts, but it was nice to not have a million thoughts going at the same time. There were a few distractions (the woman beside me started snoring!) but other than that, it was a very peaceful time. It made me realize that I need to sit back sometimes and take inventory of my life and to be grateful for the blessings. I certainly don't do that enough and while I may complain about parts of my life or how things are going, I realized tonight that I have it pretty good. I have a warm bed, clothes on my back, an education, and family and friends who support me. What more could I possibly need right now?
I encourage you all to take a moment and take inventory of your life. I hope that you all reach the same conclusion that I did...

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